matplotlib Introduction Video Lecture Transcript This transcript was automatically generated by Zoom, so there may be discrepancies between the video and the text. 13:18:22 Hi! Everybody! Welcome! Back! We're gonna go ahead and start our Matt plot lib content with a brief introduction to what we will be covering on Matt. 13:18:30 Plot, lib. Let me go ahead and move over to our Jupiter environment, or again, all of our python content for this Mini course will be taking place inside of Jupiter. 13:18:39 Notebooks. So let me go ahead and double check that I am actually doing that 13:18:49 Great. Okay? So we're gonna go ahead and go to lectures. 13:18:54 And then once you're in lectures, go to Python, and then once you're in python, go to Matt Potlib, and we're going to start with the introduction. 13:19:00 So, and then Jupiter notebooks contained within our mat plot. 13:19:04 Lib folder. We're going to be going over the Python package map plot. 13:19:07 Lib. So the base of this package are probably familiar to a lot of you. 13:19:12 But I want to set a common groundwork for all of us moving forward. 13:19:16 So this will be good both for making plots in Python. 13:19:19 But also we're going to learn some stuff about plots in general, and also the foundations here, I think, are really gonna help us as well when we learn how to plot and other software's and programming languages. 13:19:30 So Matt Plot Lab was originally developed by John D. 13:19:34 Hunter, and has been publicly available since 2,003. 13:19:37 The whole idea behind that flat live was we wanted to be able to make map plot. 13:19:42 Mat labs, tile plots and a python, environment with the explicit goal of allowing researchers and scientists to build publication worthy plots in python. 13:19:53 So we're going to build our way up for the most fundamental elements. 13:19:55 Starting with how to make the base objects, the figure and the axes. 13:20:00 Then we'll go over how to place various graphical elements onto those figures, how to adjust different features of this figures that are not direct related to the actual graphical elements, and then along the way we'll learn some common graph types. 13:20:14 And we're gonna get some help sort of get some experience, at least, with, like the documentation, and maybe talk about how you can search online for additional help. 13:20:24 So, I think it's also good for us to go over. 13:20:28 What version of Matt plot live? These notes were written in. 13:20:32 So if you go ahead and run this you'll see the version that I'm running is 3.6 point 2. 13:20:37 If you run this code, Chunk, there's 2 things, one you want to make sure it actually runs and doesn't give you an error. 13:20:44 If it gives you an error, you're going to need to go ahead and install Matt Plotlib, which you can do by following the instructions on the installation page. 13:20:50 The second thing you're going to want to notice is this number down here for me? 13:20:54 It's 3.6 point 2 for you. It maybe, is something different so that's the version of Matt. Plot. 13:20:59 Lib you're using. So this version that I'm using is again 3.6 point 2. 13:21:06 What this means is that the code that I'm using works for this version of Matt Potlib, but mainly not work for other versions. 13:21:14 Now, if your version is slightly earlier, meaning the number is smaller than 3.6 point 2 or slightly later, meaning it's bigger than 3.6 point 2. 13:21:23 There's a good chance that you're going to be fine, and my code will work for your version of the package. 13:21:29 However, sometimes that's not always the case, as the developers are adding and removing features with newer and older versions. 13:21:37 So make sure if you ever run into an error for code that works on mine, but not on yours. 13:21:43 Likely. What's going on is there's actually maybe 2 things. 13:21:46 Maybe you just have a small typo that you need to check, or the second option is that your version doesn't have the functionality that my version does. 13:21:55 So I would suggest that you do a web search with the specific error highlighted in the search bar, and then, as well as what version of Matt Plot lib. 13:22:04 You're using. So I know some of you may be sitting there thinking, why are we spending time on that plot, lib? 13:22:10 It's too simple a package to make great graphics. 13:22:12 I wanted to give some motivation. So Matt plat Lib was actually used to display the first ever photograph of a black hole, and it was also used to help illustrate the existence of gravitational waves. 13:22:26 In addition, you can see excellent assuming. Twitter is still there when you're going to this link you can see excellent examples of Matt Plot lipots, Matt plot lip plots by going to the Matt plot web Twitter page. 13:22:38 They usually have really great examples here of different plots, that people make. 13:22:44 So here's a plot. Here's a nice plot. 13:22:47 This was made in that plot. Lib. So Matt, plot lib can actually do quite sophisticated graphics and is a good package to know pretty well. 13:22:55 Alright. So now that we've introduced this package, and maybe hopefully motivated you to wanna learn more about it. 13:23:03 We're gonna go ahead and dive into the package in the very next video. 13:23:06 So I hope you enjoyed this video, and I hope to see you in the next video.